Startup career launchpad-fast way-Trying To Do: START YOUR ACTING CAREER QUICKLY!

Startup career launchpad-fast way-Trying To Do: START YOUR ACTING CAREER QUICKLY!

How were the first three months in your acting career? I want to share with you EVERY SINGLE THING I did at the beginning of my acting career that helped me get 32 AUDITIONS AND 8 ACTING JOBS IN THE FIRST FEW MONTHS!  Which websites I used and how I submitted myself for acting auditions.

How I prepared for auditions.

Which casting websites I used and how I used them to get acting auditions

How I got casting directors to call me in personally without calling my agent first!

The kinds of acting jobs I got.

What I learned and what I decided to do differently in the future that helped me get even more acting jobs.

An Actor! 2. I’m Extremely Knowledgeable About The Acting Industry And About What It Takes To Become An Actor.

I’m proud to say that I studied the acting industry extensively, first as an actor myself having done lots of industrials and corporate videos, educational dvds and videos, voice over work, independent films, radio and I have appeared on television.

After seeing the enormous difficulties that people face when trying to start their careers in this business, I became an avid student of the acting business.

It's been a long road and some things that have helped me to achieve this position in the industry are publishing my first book Acting Career Start-Up: Four Key Factors For Success, the countless interviews video and non with the above-mentioned acting industry professionals, the creation of the popular Top 10 Reasons Why Most Aspiring Actors Never Make It! video as well as the popular video I shot on Wall Street entitled "What Actors Can Learn From Wall Street Investors".

Testimonial: The following is an excerpt from an email written to Tony, creator of the Acting Career Quick Start Home-Study Course by Eugene Freihe, one of the students in the program from Germany.

This is a great course. Your course is motivating and gives me courage to go step by step. to stay on track in my acting. Eugene Freihe, Germany

For years I have been involved in teaching and helping people to achieve the goals they set for themselves. US Air Force: Teaching new recruits their jobs

In NIKE I taught store clerks about NIKE technology

Lastly, more in line with acting, I also do lots of industrials, which are educational videos and DVDs for companies to help them teach their customers.

Successful teaching isn’t just talking, it’s helping people get the results they want! Get Acting Work Quickly!

I did this all, because I really AM WILLING to help you start your acting career! It’s super important everywhere, but especially in the acting industry. People posing as agents and who tell you that if you “just pay $500, I will get you lots of auditions and help you to be a star.”

Then there are many other kinds of scams that involve doing ‘special favors’ for people in the industry in exchange for promises to get acting work.

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Dear Tony,
You know, there comes a time in your life when you find yourself totally lost. And that's what happen to me three months ago. At that time I really wanted to start an acting career but all my landmarks, my points of reference were gone and I didn't know where to turn to. Then I found you. You told me that If I really want this I had to go for it, I had to take control, I had to make something happen for myself and start living the life I wanted to.

Thanks to you I didn't give up on my dream. Thanks to your Home-Study Course I finally took control of my life and my acting career and right now I can't believe that I'm already in module 3.2 : I'm taking acting classes, I had my headshots done, my resumé done and I'm still working on cover letters for professionals.

Start Your Acting Career Quickly